corps training

Field training exercises

Along with regular training nights where cadets receive in class training, 2715 also conducts FTXs (field training exercises) where cadets learn outdoor skills. From how to operate field equipment like lanterns and axes, to navigating using a map and compass, and even how to abseil. Field training exercises are one of the primary ways cadets grow and develop. These exercises are held three weekends a year and are often the place where lifelong memories are made.

year end trips

At the end of every successful training year, 2715 plans a year end trip where cadets get to enjoy themselves and take part in fun and educational activities abroad. In 2018, cadets travelled to Ottawa, Ontario and toured Parliament, the city, rode ziplines as long as 1300 ft through forests and across water, learned about Canadian history at the National War Museum, explored the Diefenbunker Museum, and bonded as a group through it all.


Silver & Gold Star Expeditions

In the third and fourth year of training (silver star and gold star, respectively), cadets partake in 2 mandatory weekend expeditions where they learn basic expedition skills.

Regional Expeditions

These expeditions are 10 day outings to a remote area in the province where cadets receive intermediate level expeditionary skills. Cumulatively, around 50 cadets across the province are selected to participate in the handful of regional expeditions held annually.

National & International Expeditions

These expeditions are 21 day outings to some of nature’s most breathtaking frontiers where cadets receive advanced level expeditionary skills. Only 20 cadets nation-wide are selected for these annual excursions.

summer training

Cadets have the opportunity to experience training far outside the home unit and meet people across Canada and the world. Summer training courses last between 2-6 weeks and take cadets through all kinds of new adventures all while making friends and having fun. All training comes at a total cost of… $0. In fact, cadets are paid to participate!


General Training

A 2 week course that entails training across the board in areas such as drill, sports and fitness, music, marksmanship, fieldcraft, and more.


Basic Courses

3 week courses with training specific to a training area: drill and ceremonial, fitness and sports, expedition, marksmanship, pipes and drums, and military band.


Instructor Courses

6 week courses with training specific to a training area: drill and ceremonial, fitness and sports, expedition, marksmanship, pipes and drums, and military band.

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Advanced Courses

6 week courses that vary in training. Advanced courses often only accept a small group of cadets from across Canada to participate and require hard work to complete. These courses are, however, very exciting and rewarding. Opportunities include military parachuting and expedition in the Canadian Rockies.

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Maple Leaf Exchange

6 week exchange to Europe that only accepts a small group of cadets across Canada to take part in activities like L98A2 familiarization and shoot, fieldcraft, expedition, battlefield tours, and cultural experiences.


Staff Cadet

7 week employment at a Cadet Training Centre where cadets are appointed staff positions to lead and train younger cadets in specific training areas such as drill and ceremonial, fitness and sports, expedition, marksmanship, pipes and drums, and military band.